We optimise, innovate and simplify 

In an intensely competitive, service-driven market, packaging converters seek processes that bring repeatable quality, faster turnarounds, higher productivity and lower operational costs. The need to find sustainable solutions to these challenges is acute in an age of shorter production runs and heightened environmental and social concern.

At TRESU we recognise that research and development is the key to answering these challenges. Working closely with the customer and co-suppliers, we identify opportunities for improvement, and apply our 30 years’ flexo expertise to make processes leaner, more productive, simpler and controlled.

The TRESU Innovation Centre, equipped with our multi-station flexo line and a digital folding carton printing and coating line, has been a catalyst for improvement – at all stages of the process.

It has resulted in – among others – stable production at faster press speeds, reduced setup times and material waste and improved ink adhesion on challenging substrates. Working with ink manufacturers, we are helping to improve the performance of more sustainable water-based inks. And through developments in supply systems, we are optimising quality, when transferring even the most challenging inks and coating media.



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